Monday, March 7, 2016

Avocado Green smoothie

Happy Monday friends!:) Now I know, Mondays are difficult for most of us! However I love beginnings, they always mean a fresh start, renewed goals and I just want my energy to go along with that idea. Starting a new week, feels really awesome! but then there is that feeling of the weekend being over and with the long days of work ahead, one might feel unmotivated! Perhaps with all the festivities of the weekend, Monday mornings mean " FUN IS OVER" thus making it a least favorite day of the week for most people! That's why I thought I share my easy to make  5minutes avocado, banana, lemon green smoothie recipe that I found to be a great energizer for me in the mornings! It seems to help me get back in to stamina on Monday mornings and it's healthy! Nothing says refreshed energy more than a great green juicing in the morning! Besides a great breakfast, Smoothies are light and satisfying not to mention the natural energy boost and vitamin benefits that comes from them. For me, Avocados are my most favorite! As a kid, my Mom used to mix them up into our snacks and to this day, I can eat avocados all day and can't get tired of them:) So to make this smoothie all you need is Half  of a lemon, 2 bananas, and two avocados,1/4 small tea cup of water. NO sugar needed! Put the avocados and bananas in the blender and squeeze the half lemon on top and blend it together intill it becomes creamy! Pour in to a glass, slice the other half of lemon thinly to put on top of the smoothie for extra citrus taste (optional) and enjoy with a spoon and Have a great day!



Peace, Love and Joy!

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