Thursday, November 1, 2018

Tandem Breastfeeding

Hello friends! Today I am writing about tandem breastfeeding as it’s my current lifestyle. As many of you know I have two babies under two and I’m currently breastfeeding both. Tandem breastfeeding is the act of breastfeeding two babies of different ages at the same time . It could be each baby feeding on each breast simultaneously or feeding one baby at a time by scheduling turns.
Now, anyone who has breastfed knows that breastfeeding is a challenging process that requires a lot of dedication, time and effort and Tandem breastfeeding takes it up a notch on the challenge! However in my opinion, if you can breastfeed one baby, chances are you are able to breastfeed two babies! One of the frequent questions I get asked is “ how can you have enough milk for both babies?” It seems to me that Many people have misconceptions about the production of breast milk. Although what you eat and drink play a big factor for milk production, how often you feed and how well you empty your breast is the key! When tandem nursing, the production of milk is even more because your body/hormones respond to the demand and produce more. Often when tandem nursing, the ages of the babies are different and that comes with different pace of feeding. One baby may have started solids so his or her breastfeeding demand might be different depending on the need. My babies are 1.5 year apart so the demands are different! My one year old eats other foods, drink juices, water and milk on top of breastfeeding and my newborn is exclusively breastfeeding. Sharing breastfeeding has benefited them so far for bonding with each other and  baby girl is off charts with height  and weight. She is well nourished and healthy thank God! Sure there are times it gets so hard. For example; when both babies need to be breastfed at the same time in the middle of the night or the countless times I breastfeed simultaneously during the day when out and about and  both are fussy or need comfort at the same time. It really takes a lot of  sacrifices and selflessness to get through at times specially when you’ve had no sleep in almost 24 hrs but the Love helps me do it with joy in my heart! As challenging tandem nursing can be, the benefit out ways in my opinion. Reasearch has shown that babies who breastfeed for over two years get maximum immunity, it helps for better bonding between siblings, there is little to none jealousy because both are getting what they want which is nurture, comfort and love from their mom! Tandem nursing/ breastfeeding requires a lot from a Mom, and it’s important to discuss it with your doctor If decided to do it! Here are lists of things to consider while tandem nursing:
1) eat well and drink well because you are in high demand of supplying nutrients out of your body and the well nourished you are the better the babies are nourished and you can cope with all the loss of sleep. I mean let’s face it, you can try and get as much sleep but with two babies in the house, Chances are you are not getting much sleep.
2) you can assign one breast per baby because it’s easy for the babies to share .
3) breastfeed the new born first specially in the first few weeks so that the new born is getting everything he/she needs! I breastfed my new born baby girl in the bed room while my mom and hubby kept our one year old playing in the living room and I then came out to breastfeed him. Although I breastfed both at the same time occasionally in the first few weeks, I made sure she got everything she needs first because he is already eating other foods!
4) wash your hands and your baby’s hands specially if you have a twiddler! My first born likes to twiddle on one breast while breastfeeding on the other so I did a lot of washing so it’s clean for my newborn.
5) If possible, pump in between breastfeeding so you can use it when you need help from others. This is the advice I need to take for myself;)
6) sleep when both babies sleep at the same time. Which by the way rarely happens around here specially during the day  and it’s hard to ignore the cleaning, dish washing, cooking and everything in between you try to do while they are napping because you know you won’t be able to do it while they are up. The struggle is real and I’m still working on that. Reality is that things won’t be perfect but at least babies are happy and well taken care of! 
Having a new born is not easy, breastfeeding is not easy and tandem breastfeeding is definitely not easy! But it’s the most beautiful thing to be able to nurture your babies and see them flourish.  The way I see it, they are not going to be babies for a longtime and your self sacrifice to make sure they are taken care of is worth it. I tell myself that these are the most beautiful moments that I want to keep close to my heart and wouldn’t trade it for anything. I know these are the memories, the good ol days I will be missing someday in the future so I’m embracing and cherishing every moment, the love, the cuddles, the sleepless nights, the hard times, the good times and most of all these beautiful angels I get to care for and can’t believe are mine! No better place I’d rather be!!! Hope this helped someone out there in the same journey and I would love to hear your experience of tandem nursing or if you like me to cover a specific topic about tandem nursing so let me know in the comment below.

Peace, Love and Joy! 

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Exclusive breast feeding

Hello! I hope you're all doing well. Today I am sharing my experiences about breast feeding as a new mom, which is one of my favorite things to do. I hope this will inspire or help someone. My baby is 10 months now and still breast feeding. Although we are introducing solids to him slowly in-between breast feedings, I chose to exclusively breastfeed him for 7 and 1/2 months and that means no bottles, no water or any other supplements. He got all the nutrients he needs from just breastfeeding and no it wasn't always easy! I remember not knowing if he was getting enough at first and it seemed as though I was doing it out of faith when we were at the hospital with only colostrum coming out. I didn't give up, I continued putting my baby on my breast every chance I got. I knew I wanted to breastfeed and wanted to do all that I can to be able to. Latter the milk came in on my 4th day after we got home and I started timing him and made sure he fed for 10 to 12 minutes every two hours. As he grew he started taking more gulp and feeding more in shorter minutes. The only ways to make sure that he had enough to eat was by counting his out put/ wet diapers and fallowing up with his weight. I was always eager to find out his weight at his appointments and once I knew that he was in 97 percentiles, I was less nervous.  Nursing my baby has definitely help with the bond we have and I would have to say that it has played a big part in our travel experience. we went on our travel journey a day after our baby turned 3 months. We had international travels to Ethiopia, Dubai and London! we touched down in 7 countries/ 4 continents over the 6 weeks period which the details are for another blog post:) during all the travels, breastfeeding made everything easy because all I needed to do was keep my baby close and nurse him as needed. Although I've done a research on breastfeeding when I was in nursing school, reading about it and actually experiencing it are two different ball games. Looking back at the beginning of the journey, I remember not sleeping for the first few days and I don't know what came over me but I was fine without sleep. perhaps its the surge of hormones, excitement and the fact that baby was feeding every two hours and sometimes cluster feeding. I learnt it’s not something you figure out with a set of rules. You just go with what the baby needs at the moment and take it one at a time. Breastfeeding is one of those things that both mom and baby learn together and it's nurturing to my precious baby, helps with bonding and with postpartum weight loss for mommy! I personally have experienced the benefits specially when my baby doesn't feel good or during the discomforts after vaccines. Even though there are little remedies we can use, nothing comes close to breastfeeding. when you breastfeed, you provide comfort with immunity to your baby and the fact that I am able to provide nutrition for my baby as needed at any time and place has been so awesome! I mean, isn't amazing the way God has arranged everything for a baby to be nurtured? A mother is meant to produce milk after having a baby and the way its designed is for baby to feed and for mom to keep providing but it's easier said than done. It takes a lot of dedication, commitment and consistency to keep milk supply. What worked for me is that I understood from nursing school research that it's a demand and supply thing. So the more I nursed, the more I produced! Every chance I got, baby was nursing. I started doing that at the hospital and I remember a nurse commenting that every time she walks in my room, the baby is nursing. I believe that helped me with my supply. It seemed all I did was eat, drink fluids and nurse my baby! another important thing was to increase my fluid intake, I drank lots of water, smoothies, and ate lots of oatmeal. It worked and have not stopped to this day as I am nursing my baby still. He loves breastfeeding and my goal is to continue as long as he wants to and I am able to produce milk. Please let me know if there are any areas of breastfeeding you would like for me to cover or if you have questions. I would like to hear your experience and thoughts on what worked for you as well so please leave a comment below! Until next time, wishing you all the best!

Peace, love and joy 


Friday, August 10, 2018

Traveling with an infant

Hello friends! I have been asked  multiple times about my travels with my Baby King Caleb so Today I like to share my experience of traveling internationally with my three months old. Specially focusing on what to pack, how to handle the air travel, get through airports and breastfeeding while traveling.

So last year, my husband and I decided to travel with our three month old internationally due to the medical research opportunity my husband had. We travelled through 7 countries, 4 continents including USA. Stayed and visited places and people in 4 countries- USA (Colorado) Dubai , Ethiopia and LondonLondon. Through all this globe trotting, our baby was healthy breastfeeding with no problem. This  trip was one for the books and honestly I could write a book about it but for now I am going to share some key important details that worked in my experience. Hopefully it will help someone!

Travel checklist
• check with your baby’s doctor if your baby is safe to travel and if there are vaccines your baby needs to get. Although infants don’t get travel vaccines, it’s good to make sure that your baby is caught up with routine vaccinations.
• get your baby’s birth certificate on hand before going to get a passport because they won’t give you the passport without the birth certificate
• Take lots of hand sanitizers and wipes with you! I used a lot of hand sanitizer through out our travel and stay, I’m sure it helped!
• Shop for baby medicine like infant Tylenol and anything that’s available over the counter just Incase And of course any prescribed medications you have for you and your baby. You may not have to use the over the counter meds but it’s good to have in your bag in case of emergency.
• your breast pump and storage kit! I didn’t take a pump with me as I was exclusively breastfeeding but I learned that I should’ve packed one just in case
• If you pump, take a small ice bag/ cooling bag with you and  you can always ask the flight attendant to store it in the fridge for you.
• pack and dress in a breastfeeding friendly clothings. Cover ups are awesome! I used breastfeeding cover while feeding in the airports and on the flights... it made it a lot easier! You can find it ClickHere
• pack feeding Bottles and teething toys you prefer.
• have infant formula for just Incase...chances are you won’t use it but never know what might happen.
• take a portable infant bath tub like an inflatable ducky from munchkin worked perfect for us and it was easy to pack.
• Buy and pack enough amount of diapers because you will run out. Although, pampers is available everywhere, you never know.
• Make sure  to ask for front row seat when buying Your flight tickets including your transits so you will always have the infant bassinet to use on the flight. They are usually in the front row hooked on the wall.  It was awesome to be able to eat and even catch a little sleep while my baby was in the bassinet snoozing!
• Usepacifier or breastfeed your baby during take off and landing to prevent ear pain. I breastfed him everytime we took off and landed and his ears did not bother him at all.
• pack clothings for both hot and cold weather! One thing I experienced was that going from a hot summer weather in Ethiopia and landing in London to a cold early spring weather was a huge change.... luckily we had baby’s clothing in our carry on so he was protected.
•Take your stroller, car seat base and the car seat! You will need for traveling with a car once you arrive to your destination to insure your baby’s safety. The stroller was awesome when we had to walk a lot in big international airports!
• Give yourself more than 4 hours ahead of your flight so you will get through the securities in the airport without rushing and just in case you need to change diapers or use the restroom before boarding.

Most of all, pray and stay positive! Enjoy your baby’s first flight and travel! Take pictures and make memories! Hope this helps someone out there and Please let me know if you have any questions or if you want me to cover any subjects on traveling with an infant!

Peace, Love and Joy


Thursday, August 3, 2017

Bioxidea Facial Review

Hey ya'll!:) So I have been so excited to share my review of Bioxdea with you all! lately I have been looking for an enreaching sking care. Reading a lot about Bioxdea in magazines and considering that it's the world's most coveted skincare loved by many, I was so excited when Bioxdea decided to send it to me for a review! Although I don't have major skin problems (thanks to genetics) I know that I can always inhance the quality of my skin. I have always been scared of using facial mask products other than the home made Avocado mask that I use once every couple of months because you know "if it's not broken, why fix it!" However, I medically understand that a great skin care will pay of latter in life and why not go for a smoother healthier glow? My experiance of Bioxdea has been so satisfying. I tried the gold facial mask and the eyes/lips serum and I saw the difference the first time I used it. my skin felt so smooth, clean and loved the glow I had after using it. I think it's a great facial care product to use for that extra smooth fresh look!:)

Monday, March 7, 2016

Avocado Green smoothie

Happy Monday friends!:) Now I know, Mondays are difficult for most of us! However I love beginnings, they always mean a fresh start, renewed goals and I just want my energy to go along with that idea. Starting a new week, feels really awesome! but then there is that feeling of the weekend being over and with the long days of work ahead, one might feel unmotivated! Perhaps with all the festivities of the weekend, Monday mornings mean " FUN IS OVER" thus making it a least favorite day of the week for most people! That's why I thought I share my easy to make  5minutes avocado, banana, lemon green smoothie recipe that I found to be a great energizer for me in the mornings! It seems to help me get back in to stamina on Monday mornings and it's healthy! Nothing says refreshed energy more than a great green juicing in the morning! Besides a great breakfast, Smoothies are light and satisfying not to mention the natural energy boost and vitamin benefits that comes from them. For me, Avocados are my most favorite! As a kid, my Mom used to mix them up into our snacks and to this day, I can eat avocados all day and can't get tired of them:) So to make this smoothie all you need is Half  of a lemon, 2 bananas, and two avocados,1/4 small tea cup of water. NO sugar needed! Put the avocados and bananas in the blender and squeeze the half lemon on top and blend it together intill it becomes creamy! Pour in to a glass, slice the other half of lemon thinly to put on top of the smoothie for extra citrus taste (optional) and enjoy with a spoon and Have a great day!



Peace, Love and Joy!

Thursday, February 18, 2016


Hi:)  Hope you had a wonderful Valentines day this past weekend celebrating those you love. although the calandar has it as a one day hallmark holiday, I believe love should be celebrated everyday. When you think about it, life is all about Love and everything else is extra. What matters the most is that everyday we wake up with plan to love those in our life; make them feel that they are loved, that they are special and spread love everywhere we go! That being said, I love the fact that this everyday action is recognized on one special day to do more loving, celebrating, pampering loved ones and enjoy a fun activity. So this year, is For my outfit, I picked a red tulle skirt and paired it with lace croptop. Specially because the see-through ayers on the skirt and the lace top have "romance" writen allover them:) I was able to get a few pics around the photo booth although it was falling apart lol I loved and enjoyed my outfit so much that I decided to share it with you all! The skirt is from Widsorstore, top is from H&M. For accesories, I chose the red lip clutch by Betseyjohnson and the beautiful statment necklace is by Mirinacollections which I am collaborating with to get my fallowers a 20% discount:) Just use the Code: "Maereg20" when you check out and enjoy!:)

Peace, Love and Joy!

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Blushing Fringes

Happy hump day friends! It has been such a busy week for me and as I'm playing catch up with my posts, I honestly just randomly picked this look:) besides I believe everyday is the right day for any shade of pink and fringes because life is too short to wear boring clothes;) For me, There are few color schemes that just make me feel so good, I just love how Blush pink and cream/ beige go together! It seems they contrast and blend together all at the same time. I love this look because it felt girlie, comfortable and fun. This perticular day, I did a lot of walking around the city visiting all the cool spots at plaza shopping center and flower gardens, so It was the perfect outfit for the day!The dressy shorts and fringe shirt are from Banana republic and the purse is from JCPenney. ,